(1) Now about those whites...
I suppose if I'm going to title something, "How to Get Your Whites Really White" I should actually tell you, not to be repetitive, how to get your whites really white! So here it is folks! You are going to need six things: 1)Dingy white clothes 2)HOT water 3)Oxyclean 4)Some sort of large plastic container 5)Large Wooden Spoon 6)Good ol' fashioned sunshine. Put two scoops of OxyClean into your large plastic container and proceed to fill it with HOT water. The hotter, the better. I actually heat my water to not-quite-boiling on the stove in a large stockpot and pour it into a plastic tote. This would be the part where my mom would tell you to be really careful of any small children, pets, etc. that might try to get their fingers, paws, etc. into the tote. Submerge your dingy whites in the solution and stir it all around for a few minutes with a wooden spoon to dissolve the Oxyclean. Whenever I do this I feel mildly like Charlie Bucket's mother in the original Willy Wonka. Someday I'm actually going to break into "Cheer up Charlie" as I'm stirring my clothes in a bucket. Then let them sit for several hours or overnight in the solution. Dump it all into the wash machine and launder as usual. You could stop here, dry them in your dryer, and have fairly white clothes. However, as my mother would say, if you're going to do it, do it right...drying your clothes the sunshine will make those whites positively glow. Thanks Mom!