3)A tale of two pukers-never leave a vomiting kid in the top bunk
Two out of our three kiddos have come down with what we like to call, The Pre-Christmas Gastrointestinal Flu. It never fails, for the last 4 years 2-3 weeks before Christmas our entire family gets nailed by a stomach bug. It usually ends up waiting until I'm halfway through my Christmas baking...and hits hard enough that I don't want to eat any of the goodies for the rest of the season. (Maybe it's not such a bad thing, eh?) Curtis and I are patiently waiting for our turn and dreading when Abby, the 1 1/2 year old gets it. At least a 6 year old and 3 year old can tell you when/if they feel like throwing up. The 18 month old just does it. Anywhere, anytime. Which ends up being; Everywhere, All-the-time. Ick.
So what lesson am I getting at with this sad little tale? Well, last night as William, our oldest, was getting cleaned up from the first wave of stomach contents, it occurred to me that he should most definitely not return to his bed...which happens to be the top bunk of the bunkbed he shares with his 3 year old sister, Cambria. One of my mothers favorite, I've-got-a-grosser-story-than-you stories tells of the night my oldest brother, Steve, got sick so suddenly and violently that all he could manage to do was to lean his head over the edge of the top bunk and let loose. My other brother, Jason, was sleeping on the bottom. Ick, again. Hence William slept on the couch, next to the Christmas tree, an empty trash can mere inches from his face. Thanks Mom.
So what lesson am I getting at with this sad little tale? Well, last night as William, our oldest, was getting cleaned up from the first wave of stomach contents, it occurred to me that he should most definitely not return to his bed...which happens to be the top bunk of the bunkbed he shares with his 3 year old sister, Cambria. One of my mothers favorite, I've-got-a-grosser-story-than-you stories tells of the night my oldest brother, Steve, got sick so suddenly and violently that all he could manage to do was to lean his head over the edge of the top bunk and let loose. My other brother, Jason, was sleeping on the bottom. Ick, again. Hence William slept on the couch, next to the Christmas tree, an empty trash can mere inches from his face. Thanks Mom.